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November 14, 2016

Butterfly Beach Engagement: Steve & April

Filed in: Engagements

You’ll never guess how Steve and April met! They both work in “social” in Los Angeles, and they both have a strong sweet tooth. And when you love something you talk about it, right? So they would post photos on Instagram of their fancy desserts, and eventually their mutual admiration and sweet tooth let to them following each other. They initially commented on each other’s instagrams, and then that led to them following each other on twitter…and then Facebook, and then one day April posted a photo of where she worked and it happened to be where Steve’s lawyer used to work, so they started talking. Their first date was…..you guessed it….dessert! They quickly fell for each other and their love for fancy desserts turned into a deep love for each other and a relationship filled with laughter and adventure!

When it came time to propose, Steve had a brilliant idea. They were up in the mountains and while they were out on the patio he posted a photo of the ring on Instagram with the caption “will you marry me.” He told April to check her Instagram, but she was busy taking in the beautiful view. When she finally looked at her phone and saw the insta she turned to look at Steve and he was on one knee with a ring in his hand! What a dream! They met on Instagram, he proposed on Instagram AND guess how the found us?! Yup you guessed it, Instagram! Clearly it was meant to be!

From our first phone call we knew they were our kind of people, and when they showed up for their engagement session we were smitten. They both looked incredible and they have so much fun together. We laughed almost the entire engagement shoot, and we absolutely love the way Steve kept taking photos of April with his iPhone because she is such a babe! We absolutely love these two, and we are so excited for their wedding at Villa Verano next year!

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+ Comments

  1. Liz Prettyman says:

    I am Steve’s Momma… we sooo love April!!!

    You have captured them 100% and then some!

    The wedding will be a dream come true and you will make it so that it will be able to be remembered forever … so glad they found you two !

  2. Tedi Swift says:

    Absolutely beautiful!
    Steve worked for me at the tender age of 16. It may have been his first job, come to think of it. I adored Steve, and always knew his light would shine brightly in this world. I still have my little Jiminy Cricket he brought me from Disneyland (and a tattoo of Jiminy!) Great memories from 1985ish…May you live in Love forever with your beautiful bride!
    Xox Tedi

  3. […] You’ll never guess how Steve and April met! They both work in “social” in Los Angeles, and they both have a strong sweet tooth. And when you love something you talk about it, right? So they would post photos on Instagram of their fancy desserts, and eventually their mutual admiration and sweet tooth let to them following each other. They initially commented on each other’s instagrams, and then that led to them following each other on twitter…and then Facebook, and then one day April posted a photo of where she worked and it happened to be where Steve’s lawyer used to work, so they started talking. Their first date was…..you guessed it….dessert! They quickly fell for each other and their love for fancy desserts turned into a deep love for each other and a relationship filled with laughter and adventure!  They met on instagram, Steve PROPOSED on instagram, and they found US on instrgram too, so clearly it was meant to be! Speaking of their proposal story, it is so cute, and you can read it on their engagement blog post. […]

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