Sherwood Country Club “I’m ready to partaaaaaaaaaaay!” Who knows what movie that’s from?!? If you guessed Bridesmaids, you’re right!! Stephen & Elyssa’s wedding was filmed where the engagement party in Bridesmaids was filmed! Bridesmaids is one of our FAVORITE movies of all time, and we love Kristin Wiig and Maya Rudolph, so you can imagine […]
“THAT is the kind of girl I’m gonna marry!” This is what Garret said years ago to his friend on Carpinteria State beach, when he saw Allie. He recognized her beauty and her spunk before he even really knew who she was. What an incredible start to their love story, right? In May after they […]
Aleks and Natalie started off the wedding day by getting ready at the at Westlake Village Inn. The girls got ready in The Villa, where there is a baby grand piano and some of THE prettiest window light ever. We love when the girls get ready in this suite, and Jess was in creative heaven! […]
From the second Ryan and Holly met, Ryan knew he wanted to win Holly over and would keep pursuing her until he did. Ever since, the two have been the perfect match. Ryan’s friends joke about how he became “Nice Ryan” after he started dating Holly. One thing everyone seems to agree on, is that […]
Sogno del Fiore Mitch and Chelsea bring out the best in each other. They are truly best friends, and they perfectly exemplify that two are better than one. They have been together for eight years and they have grown so much together and compliment each other so well. Chelsea has the ability to make everyone […]
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & Moxi Rooftop Wedding Long before Chris and Julianna met, Chris kept catching glimpses of an exuberant blonde every few months at different concerts and parties he would go to in DC. It wasn’t until over a year later that the two finally met through mutual friends and quickly bonded […]