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October 25, 2016

Paris Anniversary: Chris & Bri

Filed in: Anniversaries

This Paris anniversary session was a dream come true for us! Chris and Bri have a connection that is so deep and rare. They are silly, flirtatious and playful but also share the sweetest moments of deep connection and love. They have two of the most adorable children (who actually think James’ name is “mustache”) and this trip to Europe was their first trip without either of their children. We have photographed their family before, but it was so much fun to just photograph the two of them in the city of love. These two are so special to us, Chris was the one who married us, and we are so thankful for their friendship and beautiful example of marriage!  When Chris first met Bri he was completely smitten! Can you blame him though, she’s such a babe! On Sundays at church he would purposely time it so he could walk by while she was taking the Sunday school kids down the stairs. He just wanted to make sure their paths crossed and their eyes met. And you can see the joy in his eyes when he looks at her, this is a man who figured out how to woo the girl of his dreams!

Roaming the streets with these two was one of the highlights our of European adventure. We walked through the streets right by our airbnb and it felt like we were on the set of a movie. Cobblestone streets, vintage doors, beautifully alleyways, ornate windows on classic buildings, and the smell of crepes in the air.  Paris lives up to its expectations in every way possible. Every tourist attraction is beautiful and romantic, and the scenery never gets old. Each new street we turned on was just as pretty as the last, and we couldn’t get enough of the windows filled with flowers and adorable sidewalk cafe with delicious cappuccinos.  And when James and I first saw the Eiffel Tower it was so much larger than we expected! We had no idea a metal structure could be so beautiful and add so much romance to a city. We were completely smitten by all thing Parisian and we loved running around the city with these two incredible humans! We are absolutely thrilled to share a few favorites of Chris & Bri’s anniversary session, and we are already dreaming of the next time we get to go back to this spectacular place!

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+ Comments

  1. Abby says:

    This is SO BEAUTIFUL! I love all the iconic spots you managed to hit. So dang wonderful!

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